Gollum and the spring That dirty Baggins, he stole my ring he did. I hates itss. We pull up stakes steal the ring back, yes! Yes! I Golllluuumm go forth becharm my rares back from that filthy Baggins pocketses. Ss,ss,sss. Its exploit ring it is. My father gaves it to mes on my birthday. He said to never loses its! I haves disgraced my father. My ringses is hopeful as the suns. The twinkling engravement, inlayed in gold. That foul smelling hobbit will regret the day he stole from Golluumm. I wills this instant tell the tales of my preciouss, precioussss ringses! At firsts I had went on my boat to the undermine of Ezerad, to taalks to Drosth, an old friends of mine. Do you hit the hay where my ringses could be? I questi mavend. No, I am deeply low-spirited about your trouble simply I can non help you kid sir. Explained drosth. convey you anyways I stated. I then(prenominal) wandered over to the mountains of Draston, alongside Mirkwood. in that respect. There wasses a leggy slender, middle aged black haird man, with two steelsess and a dagger. What atomic number 18 yee doing in me cave? If you cross my border, my sword will be tastin yer blood! expressed the man. yy,yy..yyyes sir! I mumbled. I soon ran farthermost away. It wases very ingloriousses. So dark I could not strike my own hand in precedent of my face.

I end up in a woodwind of very creepy-crawly trees, infested with batses and spiders. I wasnt scared, for I was Gollluumm. Yes! Gollluumm. I am a dangerous ones a scary ones with smarmy skin and weak skin and colorless skin. Suddenly, a coarse crowd of tempest uous rabid squirrells sprang out and attacke! d meeess. Theys bit away my left ears! I foughts them off one by one by oneses. We will bite off yours right ears close time you incursion! screamed one of the squirrels. Of course I morose around and walked aways. I was beaten and bruised, but I need to find my precious no matter what! For I am Gollum. Me with my scents like mouldy perfumes. There, in front of me, there wases a huge dark tree with a man in front of its. argon you lost my sir? Can I help...If you pauperization to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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